Good-byes and Unexpected Delays -- From Goma to Home
Our final days in Goma are filled with more time with people -- teaching, encouraging, trying to let our 'light shine.' Our team, right before we head home. Dr. Jo Lusi, an amazing surgeon and man who is a champion of human rights, human hearts and the rights of women, stands near me. On our last morning, Steve and I do rounds with the medical students, and Tom and Mary Ella spend time in the OR with the surgeons. It's funny how 'used to' something one can become -- I see patients, again and again, with tuberculosis and malaria and HIV and, sadly, it's like I've just seen the common cold. I see armed men with grenade launching guns, guarding buildings, and I am no longer aghast. I see and hear a bleating goat tied up under a bush at Maji, and not surprised when it is then served for dinner, that night. Todd and Chris and Marc fix physical brokenness in hopes of helping on a much deeper level. Marc and Chris operate on more goiter cases, 'abdom...